Working With Fs In Go

22 Jun 2021

TLDR; use path.Join when working with io/fs.FS instead of filepath.Join. Always read the docs before you start using some the codes - specially if you’re dealing with os specific resources.

Quote from doc:

Note that paths are slash-separated on all systems, even Windows. Paths containing other characters such as backslash and colon are accepted as valid, but those characters must never be interpreted by an FS implementation as path element separators. -


I have been recently working on this project mostly from Linux. Some of the code uses the newly introduced (1.16) io/fs package - a read-only abstraction of a filesystem. There’s around 30 unit/integration tests between the different parts of the module and all of them were passing.

However, as I pulled the code on my Windows system today and re-ran the whole test suite, I quickly discovered that some of the tests were failing - the ones that interacted with the io/fs.FS. Debugging through the code, I found that filepath.Join was joining the path segments with \, I suddenly remembered that io/fs works with only / (forward slashes, even on Windows). Had I not read the doc before, this may have cost me a few hours of useless fiddling around/debugging.

PS. I highly recommend trying out the fstest package as well if you’re testing io/fs stuffs. And do use the io/fs package if all you’re doing is reading from files/dirs. This is such a nice abstraction - the backend filesystem can live on a single file/local filesystem/database/ftp/cloud storages/s3/etc.

More reading: