Diffie Hellman Algo

22 Feb 2022

Diffie-Hellman Algorihtm

Assume, there are two users Alice and Bob. They both want to exchange some information with each other but they don’t want others to eavsedrop on what they want to talk about. So they decided to encrypt each other’s messages. But there is a problem - how will they share the encryption key (which they’ll use to encrypt their messages) with each other without others getting hold of it?

YouTube - A complete overview of SSL/TLS and its cryptographic system


This is where the Diffie-Hellman algorithm comes in. At first, both Alice and Bob share two numbers that are accessible publicly.

g - base
p - modulus (should be a prime number)

Then, each of them picks a secret number.

Alice picks the secret number - a
Bob picks the secret number - b

After they each select a secret number, they perform the following operation to get a new number - A and B.

For Alice, A = (g^a) mod p
For Bob,   B = (g^b) mod p

Next, they send this number to each other publicly.

Note that, even if they share this number publicly, its almost impossible to guess what’s the secret number each of them picked because of loss of information when modded with ‘p’.

After the exchange, Alice now has Bob’s public number/key - B and Bob has Alice’s public number/key - A. They apply the following operation to get a new number that is exactly the same.

For Alice, S = (B^a) mod p
For Bob,   S = (A^b) mod p

The number S will be the same for both of them as mentioned earlier!

#!/usr/bin/env python

def diffie_hellman(g: int, p: int, a: int, b: int):
    A = (g**a) % p
    B = (g**b) % p

    S1 = (B**a) % p
    S2 = (A**b) % p

    assert S1 == S2, "Incorrect implementation, both S1 and S2 should be equal"

    return S1

def main():
    import random

    g = 2
    p = 97

    for i in range(10):
        a = random.randint(1, 100)
        b = random.randint(1, 100)
        print(diffie_hellman(g, p, a, b))

if __name__ == "__main__":
